It is widely known and accepted that there are many different kinds of Churches. Some people belong to a specific church denomination; some attend the closest one in proximity, while others choose their own path when it comes to religion and ends up picking out an individualistic kind of Church. This list will focus on five types of churches you likely didn’t know existed!

Five Types Of Churches You Didn’t Know Existed

There are many different types of churches you didn’t know existed. Here is a little snapshot of five types of churches that don’t exist today!

  1. Synagogue Church

The first type of Church that doesn’t exist anymore is the Synagogue Church.

This one actually still exists today but mostly within Judaism itself as an institution or building where Jews meet for prayer, worship, education, and other synagogue activities.

  1. Catacombs Church

The second type of Church that doesn’t exist anymore is the Catacombs Church.

This was an underground church used during the Roman persecution of Christians.

  1. Basilica Church

The third type of Church that doesn’t exist anymore is the Basilica Church.

This one was typically reserved for high-ranking clergy and usually had a prominent apse on its east end, with several special chambers or rooms off to the sides.

  1. Gothic Architecture Churches

The fourth type of Church you didn’t know existed is Gothic Architecture Churches.

These Churches belonged to monastic orders known as mendicant orders (that means they were not supported by individual donations but relied instead on money given by rich donors).

These churches were made from stone rather than wood because people wanted them to last forever!

This architecture style also allowed for larger windows which filled their interiors with natural light.

  1. Modernist Architecture Churches

The firth type of Church that doesn’t exist anymore is Modernist Architecture Churches.

This style came about in the early 20th century as architects attempted to reconcile their desire for new forms and functions with religious beliefs and symbolism (movements from other cultures also influenced it).

One key aspect of modernism used in Church architecture was the extensive use of stained glass windows – usually made up of large areas rather than small, colored pieces found elsewhere during medieval times.

The Bottom Line

To sum it up, the Church is a place where people connect and worship.  But, unfortunately, there are many types of Churches that don’t exist today. In this blog post, we talked about five such Churches. We hope that this was insightful!